Welcome To Ryan Straight's Homepage
This is just a loose collection of somewhat interesting things I'm in the process of putting together.
Site Updates
This entire site is under construction. But as of Nov 22 2007 I've added a section on Basic LVDT operation and demodulation. Who wouldn't want to know about that?. Let say for example that you were building a CMM in your garage, a common task. How, I ask you, would you monitor position.
parasitic cordyceps fungi
Video to the right
We don't ordinarily think of fungi as intelligent. This is a word usually reserved for mammals. But this particular fungi causes me to question. It is apparently able to effect changes in its host's behavior. Changes that are beneficial only to the fungus.
Behind the Scenes of My Home Page
It is my intention to breifly present fragments of information that I would have liked to have found but didn't.